Presidential Appointment Application

Thank you for your interest in applying for a staff position within SGA for the 2022-23 academic year! At this time, we are not taking any applications for staff positions. Please see below for more information on each position:

Executive Branch

Director of Communications – Responsible for aiding the SGA President on matters concerning the communications of SGA projects, initiatives, and news to the University and local communities, in addition to assisting in the execution and promotion of events. Frequently consults with and assists the Senate Community Relations and University Relations Committees. Maintains and administers all SGA websites, official email accounts, social media accounts, and internal communication systems.

Director of Administration – Responsible for planning and coordinating all SGA events, and assisting any endeavors undertaken by other members of the SGA. Assists the SGA President in administering the day-to-day operations and responsibilities of the SGA, including organization, scheduling, data collection, and form completion.

Director of Finances – Responsible for the effective, timely, and accurate bookkeeping of all monetary transactions, including funds requested from, and provided by, the Finance Committee and UMW Foundation. Serves as the liaison between SGA and Finance Committee.

President’s Secretary – Responsible for the recording and upkeep of all meeting minutes and notes as assigned by the SGA President. Efficiently archives all documents, minutes, notes, and other data of the SGA. Works with the Director of Administration and Director of Communications to organize and make public such materials.

Legislative Branch

Senate Secretary – Accurately records all meeting minutes and notes as assigned by the President of Senate, such as weekly Senate meetings. Efficiently archives all documents, minutes, notes, and other data of the Senate. Works with the Director of Administration and Director of Communications to organize and make public such materials. Reports all passed bills to the SGA President, the President’s Secretary, and the Advisory Board.

Parliamentarian – Acts as the foremost authority on Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised and serves as the advisor to the SGA on regulatory and procedural matters. Assists the SGA President and Senate President in maintaining order and correct procedure during official Senate and Advisory Board meetings. Attends all meetings stipulated by the Senate President, including regular Senate meetings.

We won’t share your information or keep it after filling the positions. Learn more at
