The President constitutes the Executive Branch of the Student Government Association. They are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the SGA, including the implementation of passed legislation and representing the student body to the University administration and community-at-large.
The President is also assisted by the Vice-President of SGA (also the Senate President) and four non-voting appointed staff: Director of Administration, Director of Communications, Director of Finances, and President’s Secretary.
An Advisory Board comprised of other influential student organizations is charged with advising the President on student concerns and offering recommendations on proposed legislation and SGA actions.
The Senate is the Legislative Branch of the Student Government Association. The Senate is charged with legislating on any issue concerning students and their time at the University.
The Senate is led by the President of Senate (also the SGA Vice-President), and assisted by the Senate Vice-President. Both are responsible for the efficient operations of the Senate, ensuring that student concerns/views are heard, investigated, and addressed.
All legislation travels through one of nine committees for initial consideration before being brought to the floor for a vote. Each committee is led by a chair, and composed of class senators and interested non-senator students:
Academic Affairs
Community Relations
Diversity and Unity Coordinating
Elections and Appointments
Ethics and Oversight
Legislative Affairs
Student Life
University Facilities and Services
University Relations
Each class elects four senators to represent them in the Senate, and an appointed, non-voting parliamentarian and secretary round out the body.